How to Transition to a True ERP Without Any Business Disruption

Have you outgrown your spreadsheet or paper-based system? Or maybe you’ve been trying to manage things with a combination of Sage/Quickbooks and a few third-party bolt-on applications?

Eventually, you reach a point where you’re working too hard to make the system work, and it’s simply not working for you. Even though you’re acutely aware of your current system’s failings, you might be hesitant to move to a digital system because you’re worried about:

●     Business disruption during the transition

●     A lengthy training process

●     A workforce that may not be tech-savvy enough to embrace it

At Discovery Solutions, we understand these concerns and the unique challenges faced by companies in the oil fields service industry. This is why we’ve built a frictionless transition process that helps you avoid any of those issues.

No Downtime or Disruption to Your Business Operations

If a solution brings your operations to a halt, it’s not really a solution. We’ve built a frictionless process that ensures your business doesn’t see any disruption whatsoever.

First and foremost, your migration will be managed by your own dedicated implementor. Their job is to ensure this entire process runs smoothly from start to finish. They do a lot of work “behind the scenes” so you don’t have to.

This is what the process typically looks like:

Phase 1: Business Modeling

We typically start with some business modeling through in-person meetings or virtual interviews. This is where we really get an understanding of your business, your challenges, and why you’re looking for a different solution. We get samples of all of your documents and talk to all of your key players.

Phase 2: Data Gathering

During the data gathering stage, you send us samples of things like your:

●     Chart of accounts

●     Vendors

●     Inventory

●     Other business data

From there, your Implementer will take that data, process it, massage it, and upload it. Once again, this is all done on our side, with no extra work or disruption from your side.

Phase 3: Transaction Modeling and Training

Once we have all of your master file data, we will move on to some transaction modeling. This involves running through a set of transactions to model your processes.

From there, we’re ready to start the training stage, which we will explore in the next section.

Quick, Efficient, and Painless Training

We know that your staff has better things to do than sit in a classroom. That’s why we’ve built our training process with you in mind.

Our training can be done on-site or virtually, based on your schedule and your needs. We focus on the key business processes your staff will encounter every day, instead of covering rare scenarios that you will probably never come across.

We find it’s crucial to keep our training to highly-focused 2-hour sessions. We have found that this is the sweet spot that leads to the highest level of retention.

After that, you will be almost completely independent. We take pride in training your staff to the point where they can confidently dive right in. If needed, we still offer a detailed online support centre for any questions.

But we’re proud of how little time our clients need to spend there.

A Tool That ANY Employee Can Embrace, Tech-Savvy or Not

It’s important to know that our tools do not need specialized skills. You do not need to be a bookkeeper, accountant, or controller to use Discovery!

This is an important consideration for a number of our clients because hiring specialists in the oil and gas industry has never been more challenging.

In fact, a recent survey reported that:
●     10% of employers in the oil sector said they had to pay retirees to come back to take unfilled job openings due to the skills shortage.

●     Another 82% of recruiters said one in 10 of their open positions has been unfilled for more than three months.
A digital solution is only helpful if it’s legitimately better (i.e easier to use) than your previous system. We promise you that, after struggling with paper, spreadsheets or QuickBooks, your employees will love how much time and effort we will save them. Particularly if they were struggling with the double entry and wasted time associated with paper or the combination of several other third-party programs.

Find Out What Discovery Can Do For You

Discovery is the only ERP built specifically for oilfield service companies. We have leveraged 35+ years of experience to create an easy-to-use, perfectly tailored software that matches the unique requirements of the industry.

If you want to read about some of the most common problems in the oilfield service industry that our solution can solve: Download our E-Book

If you’re interested in learning how Discovery Solutions can help your business, please book a call below or visit our Accounting Module page for more information.
If you’re interested in learning how Discovery Solutions can help your business, please book a call below or visit our DMS ERP page for more information.
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